- Dr. Männle, M. “Interoperable Mobile Payment – A Requirements-Based Architecture” in Uhr, W., Esswein, W., Schoop, E. (editors) Wirtschaftsinformatik 2003/Band 1., Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, ISBN 3-79080-111-9, pp. 95-101, September 2003. File (7 pages) available as [pdf] (47K).
- Dr. Männle, M. “Mobile Payment is Taking Shape” Mobile Europe, ISSN 1350-7362, Volume 13, p. 21, September 2003. File (1 page) available as [pdf] (133K).
- Dr. Männle, M. “Interoperable mobile payment – from a business, user, and technical perspective”, in InterComms – International Communications Project, pp. 166-168, July 2003. Available as [pdf] (742K).
- Dr. Männle, M. “Parameter Optimization for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models – Lessons Learnt”, in Proceedings of IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics, pp. 111-116, Tucson (AZ), USA, October 2001. File (6 pages) available as [pdf] (313K).
- Schleifer, W., Männle, M. “On-line error detection through observation of traffic self-similarity”, in Journal IEE Proceedings of Communications, ISSN 1350-2425, Volume 148, Issue 01, pp. 38-42, February 2001. File (14 pages) available as [pdf] (313K).
- Männle, M. “Unscharfe Modelle zur Systemidentifikation und Fehlererkennung”, PhD dissertation, faculty for computer science, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, January 2001; obtainable from Logos-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-89722-619-7 or as file (pdf) on request.
Experience shows that there are no totally error-free complex systems. An online error detection is one possibility to avoid or at least reduce damage caused by failures. The aim is to detect errors and to apply recovery or repair before the errors can cause a failure. For this we follow a model-based approach using TSK-like fuzzy models (TSK stands for Takagi, Sugeno, and Kang, who first proposed this type of fuzzy models). In a first step, we automatically build an approximation model of the system under observation using measured input/output data (systems identification). Then, during operation, a significant deviation between the model behaviour and the measured system behaviour indicates a system error.
- Männle, M. “FTSM — Fast Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Modeling”, in Proceedings of Safeprocess 2000, IFAC, pp. 587-591, Budapest, Hungary, June 2000. File (6 pages) available as [pdf] (90K).
- Männle, M. “Schnelle Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Modellierung”, in Proceedings of GMA/GI Computational Intelligence, pp. 323-328, Baden-Baden, Germany, May 2000; VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, ISBN 3-18-091526-9. File (6 pages) available as [pdf] (242K).
- Männle, M. “Identifying Rule-Based TSK Fuzzy Models”, in Proceedings of EUFIT, p. 286f, Aachen, Germany, September 1999; Verlag Mainz, Aachen, ISBN 3-89653-808-X. File (14 pages) available as [pdf] (188K).
- Männle, M., Richard, A., Dörsam, T., “Identification of Rule-Based Fuzzy Models Using the RPROP Optimization Technique”, in Proceedings of EUFIT, pp. 587-591, Aachen, Germany, September 1996; Verlag Mainz, Aachen, ISBN 3-89653-187-5. File (5 pages) available as [pdf] (103K).
- Männle, M., “Modellierung nichtlinearer Systeme mit unscharfen Regeln” (Modeling of Nonlinear Systems with Fuzzy Rules), Diplomarbeit (diploma thesis), Universität Karlsruhe / Université de Nancy 1, August 1995. File (101 pages) available as [pdf] (917K).
- Männle, M., “Une Modélisation à Base de Règles Flous”, internal report, CRAN, Université de Nancy 1, May 1995. File (11 pages) available as [pdf] (578K).
- Männle, M., “Identifikation mit Neuronalen Netzen” (Identification using Neural Networks), Studienarbeit (seminar paper), Universität Karlsruhe / Université de Nancy 1, July 1994. File (55 pages) available as [pdf] (1348K).
- Männle, M., Weber, K., “Analyse und Synthese eines Neuronalen Netzes mittels Wavelet-Transformation” (Analysis and Synthesis of Neural Networks using Wavelet Transformations), in Feldbusch, F., Weber, K. (editors) Neuronale Netze und Wavelets, FZI-Publikation 2/94, ISSN 0944-3037, pp. 243-269, February 1994.